Web3 Hybrid Hackathon “HackOnChain”
1 рік назад
Конференция, Free
28 травня

HackOnChain is organizing a Web3 Hybrid Hackathon in Warsaw, Poland, with the motto “Web3 Hybrid Hackathon backed by the best protocols.” The event brings together developers and enthusiasts interested in building decentralized applications using the latest Web3 technologies.

Participants will have the opportunity to collaborate, learn from each other, and create innovative solutions leveraging blockchain and related technologies. The hackathon will focus on developing applications that combine the benefits of centralized and decentralized architectures, creating hybrid models that can offer the best of both worlds.

The event is expected to attract participants from various backgrounds, including blockchain developers, designers, entrepreneurs, and investors. Participants will work together to build solutions that address real-world problems, leveraging the latest tools and frameworks for Web3 development.

HackOnChain’s Web3 Hybrid Hackathon promises to be an exciting and informative event, offering an opportunity to learn and network with like-minded individuals in the blockchain and Web3 communities. With the support of the best protocols, participants will have access to cutting-edge technology and resources to build innovative solutions that can potentially revolutionize the way we interact with the web.

Website: www.hackonchain.xyz

Registration: airtable.com/shrO7SsQiTqsrSzmm