ГоловнаСтартапиІвенти“Support Ukrainian Startup NOW” Program

“Support Ukrainian Startup NOW” Program


The FREE Ukraine Foundation jointly with the Ukrainian venture capital and private equity association (UVCA) launched the program of targeted assistance to people whose professional employment needs help right now.

These people’s lives, and the existence of their companies – which are deeply connected with the global economy – are at stake.

How you can help:

  • By providing financial assistance: see transfer details below
  • By providing human or networking resources for technical/business support of these companies

Please fill in this form: https://bit.ly/3qpNBIE

What you get:

  • Program Friend and Donator Certificate
  • UVCA Honorary Member status

You’re welcome to join us to participate personally in further program developments!

To apply for support, Ukrainian tech companies are invited to reach us as follows:

  • Apply for the Program via link. Don’t forget to specify your contact details: https://bit.ly/3Iv1BqS
  • Please explain why your company needs support, and provide business or other references.
  • Feel free to suggest other companies that need help.
  • We’ll carefully consider your application and provide an answer in a matter of days.

Grant Committee:

How to donate:

By bank transfer:

Bank: KBC Bank

Bank Address: Havenlaan 2 – 1080 Brussels – Belgium


Address of Free Ukraine Foundation: Essenlaan 8 – 2940 Hoevenen

IBAN: BE75 7330 6477 8751


Reference: Support Ukrainian Startups

In crypto:

Bitcoin: 1BLW44aKiMg8NL7V7Htawq1cMJMGzZAMz9

ETH: 0x426eddd479a5036cdc014c822f8b8a0b7220acbb

A few numbers of 2021 from Ukraine:

  • There are about 5,000 active IT companies in the labor market. The most extensive IT services export market is the American one, with over $2 billion in 2020. In general, the export of IT services in 2021 reached a level of about $7 billion.
  • In total, there are 285,000 IT specialists in Ukraine as of the end of 2021. In 2020, this number was more than 244,000 people. 25% of IT specialists are women, while women make up 32% of management in IT companies. The average age of employees is 27 for men and 25 for women.
  • 87% of IT companies plan to review salaries annually and have already done that. Salary grows by 8.5% annually. The median salary in IT, depending on the specialization, is in the range of $2000-3000.
  • In 2022-25, 80,000 IT specialists will receive a bachelor’s degree. In 2021, 16.9% of specialists came with a classical education, 40.6% with non-formal education.
  • In 2021, the IT industry’s payment of taxes and fees exceeded UAH 23 billion.
  • The number of women in Ukrainian IT has tripled in nine years.

⚡ UVCA is also offering our international partners (funds, accelerators, investors) to become Network members of UVCA.

This is another opportunity to support Ukrainian tech and startup community.

We are glad to see you among our ranks!

🎯 To join UVCA and become a part of the new startup community, contact Dmytro Kuzmenko, CEO of UVCA or email him at ceo@uvca.eu.