It’s the Data Summer Conf

6 років назад

Black Sea, July and … Data. It’s the Data Summer Conf!
It’s the international Data Summer Conf in Odessa that will host local subject matter leaders and international experts in the data management space.

On the 21st of July Odessa will become a networking stage for data geeks and speakers and let them dig deeper into Data Science & Big Data streams. Join us and share the expertise, insights and trends. Listen to the world data leaders and get real hands-on experience at our data workshops.

Key speakers:

Akmal Chaudhri (Technical Evangelist) (BIG DATA & IOT)
Apache Ignite + Apache Spark RDDs and DataFrames integration (ENG)

Dmitry Korobchenko (Deep Learning R&D Engineer, NVIDIA Ltd) (DATA SCIENCE)
How to accelerate your neural net inference with TensorRT (ENG)

Fedor Navruzov (Data Scientist, Speak With a Geek) (WORKSHOPS)
Automated feature engineering with FeatureTools (RUS)

Jacek Laskowski (Spark Consultant ) (BIG DATA & IOT)
Deep Dive into Query Execution in Spark SQL 2.3 (ENG)

Javier Rodriguez Zaurin (Data Scientist, Simply Business)
From the math to the business value: machine learning in the real world (ENG)

Vadim Chelyshov (Software engineer in Provectus)
Mist – Serverless proxy for Apache Spark (RUS)

Giuseppe Angelo Porcelli (Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services)
Build, train, and deploy machine learning models at scale with Amazon SageMaker (ENG)

Akmal Chaudhri (Technical Evangelist) (WORKSHOPS)
Hands-on with Apache Spark for Beginners (ENG)

Rudradeb Mitra (Product Mentor, Google Developers)
Architecting IoT system with Machine Learning (ENG)

Sri Sri (Sr. Data Scientist, Spotify)
Multi-touch Attribution: Key challenge around designing a solution (ENG)

Giorgi Jvaridze (Senior Software Engineer, Zalando)
Analysing Billion Node Graphs (ENG)

Stepan Pushkarev (CTO,
Monitoring AI with AI (RUS)

Jonathan Taws (Data Scientist at Amazon Web Services) (WORKSHOPS)
Hands-on using Apache Spark with Amazon SageMaker (ENG)

Oleksandr Saienko (Tech Leader/ Senior Software Engineer at SoftServe)
Building unified Batch and Stream processing pipeline with Apache Beam (RUS)

Roman Storchak (CTO, DatAI )
How we build Computer vision as a service (ENG)

After the day full of great talks and workshops, you are welcome to join the afterparty  by the seaside at True Man Hot Boat bar!  Great chance to chill-out after tons of knowledge,get to know new people and find partners in crime as well as spend a fantastic time. Welcome drink and snacks on us.

Our goal is to get data techies together, build a strong community and have fun here near the Black Sea coast, where the water meets the horizon.


When: July 21, from 9:00 to 18:00 + afterparty

Where: Odessa, «Sady Pobedy,» Varlamov, 28



Registration here:


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