ГоловнаКалендар.NET Webinar
.NET Webinar
4 роки назад
Вебінар, Free
29 травня

On May 29th, HYS Enterprise invites .NET developers on our webinar.

Our speakers:

— Vladimir Garbar (.Net Team Lead at HYS Enterprise): ‘Wild Async .NET world: AID Kit for boy-scouts’

Many of us use an asynchronous programming model on a daily basis. But we don’t always use all possibilities. Sometimes we have a lack of practical experience to quickly solve typical cases. During our meeting, we will refresh our knowledge about different scenarios of what to do and what to avoid.

— Alexander Prygun (.Net Team Lead at HYS Enterprise): ‘Saga pattern’

When we choose the set of independent services for our business tasks instead of a monolithic application, one business transaction under the hood turns into many transactions on individual components.

So we have to find out:

— How to make the description of the business process at the code level easy and convenient.
— How to ensure data consistency between system components. To solve this task, we’ll use the saga pattern.

Free entry, all participants should sign up: bit.ly/2VqGorI
Use only valid email. You will get the link to the webinar within a week before the event.

If you don’t get a link to the webinar, drop a line to tatiana.golubenko@hys-enterprise.com
See you online on May 29 at 18:00!