ГоловнаКалендарDynamic Talks | Lightning Fast Startup Times with Spring 6 and GraalVM Native Images
Dynamic Talks | Lightning Fast Startup Times with Spring 6 and GraalVM Native Images
1 рік назад
Конференция, Free
24 травня

Attention all Java developers and enthusiasts!

We are pleased to announce an upcoming virtual event — Dynamic Talks | Lightning Fast Startup Times with Spring 6 and GraalVM Native Images, presented by Nazım Umut Ekici, our Senior Software Engineer.

The event will take place on May 24th, 2023 at 19:00, and will cover the persistent issue of slow startup times in Spring applications. The talk will explore how the latest release of Spring 6 introduces built-in support for building native GraalVM images, which can drastically reduce startup times by offloading work to build time.

During the event, Nazim will delve into how these native images are built, the constraints that come with them, and how well they perform. Attendees can expect to gain insights into AOT processing, the closed-world assumption, the build pipeline, limitations and caveats, and performance benchmarks.

This is an excellent opportunity to learn from a professional and enhance your knowledge of Spring and GraalVM.

Participation is free, but registration is required.
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