ГоловнаКалендарJava Meetup
Java Meetup
5 років назад
Мітап, Free
27 липня

Today we’re excited to announce our third Java Meetup!

We prepared a pretty interesting and unusual format. This time, besides our regular talks, we invite you to attend a workshop.

Our speakers:

– 🎙🎙Dima Mustaffin (HYS Enterprise) “Web UI for Back-end developer.”
– Eugeniy Burak (HYS Enterprise): “Spring Data REST or intellectual job VS manual”
– Nikolay Tsyb (HYS Enterprise) “Immortal system as a piece of cake.”

The workshop will be held by Nikolay Tsyb: “Deep dive into spring state machine.” Requirements: laptop, jdk 8 or more, maven/gradle.

Participation is free, but registration is required.

Registration for the talks:

Registration for the workshop (places are limited):
Required level of training to attend this workshop: middle-senior

The language of the event is Russian.