ГоловнаКалендарВебінар “Автоматизоване тестування за допомогою Cypress з нуля”
Вебінар “Автоматизоване тестування за допомогою Cypress з нуля”
2 роки назад
Вебінар, Free
28 липня

We invite you to the free Webinar: Automated testing with Cypress from scratch.

The webinar will take place on July 28th, 2022. Start at 19:30 (GMT+3).

Register here.

During the webinar, you will be able to learn about automated testing. People who have done manual testing will be able to open the door to automated testing. Knowledge and skills in test automation will also help increase your salary.

We will learn the basics of a new platform for automated testing.


1. Why do we need automated testing?

2. Industry standards for UI automated testing

3. Selenium vs Cypress

4. How to get started with Cypress

Theoretical knowledge that you will gain:

  • Basics of automated testing
  • What to automate?
  • Why to choose Cypress?
  • Execute Cypress tests

Practical skills that you will gain after the webinar:

  • Basics for automated testing
  • How to get started with Cypress

Practical cases that are going to be executed during the webinar:

  • How to install all necessary components needed for Cypress tests
  • How to execute Cypress tests

Tools that you will learn how to use:

  • VS code,
  • Cypress

What tools participants need to download before the webinar:

Who will be interested:

  • Junior — Mid level QAs — that are new automated testing
  • Sr QAs who are interested in learning something new
  • QA foundation knowledge is required


Dmytro Kulchykovskyi

  • QA engineer who climbed from manual testing all the way up to leading manual and automated QA teams