ГоловнаКалендарWebinar “How does Deming’s work on quality help us?”
Webinar “How does Deming’s work on quality help us?”
2 роки назад
Семінар, Free
28 квітня

Developers Shore are announcing a webinar — “How does Deming’s work on quality help us?” with Mike Harris.

“W. Edwards Deming is known as one of the most important management scientists of the twentieth century. Through advocating quality as a business philosophy, he helped the industry in Japan recover after World War Two. His work underpins many aspects of lean and agile and our understanding of quality. The way we work today is built on the foundations Deming laid down. This talk will introduce his definition of quality, the Deming Cycle, and Deming’s 14 Points for Management. The Deming Cycle shows us how iterations should work. Deming’s 14 Points gives us a theory of management to improve quality, productivity and competitive position, which is something we as testers want”.

📣 Language — English
⏰ April 28, 2pm — 3pm (EEST, Kyiv)