ГоловнаКалендарOWASP Odessa cyber-security meetup
OWASP Odessa cyber-security meetup
6 років назад
Мітап, Free
5 вересня

At 19:00 on Wednesday, September 5th, Odessa OWASP Chapter will gather to discuss technical aspects of software hacking, and – more importantly – to meet people interested in cyber-security.

This meet up will feature following talks:
1 – “Shooting yourself in both feet with object deserialisation” by Taras Sharkadi
2 – “Hacking and protecting user sessions in web applications” by Vladimir Garbuz
3 – “Security tools for developers” by Kirill Gotsman

This event is targeted at software developers and those interested in cyber-security.
After the meetup, there will be an after-party for you to meet people working in cyber-sec or likeminded engineers, so don’t make other plans!

Tickets are available – https://owaspodessa-september-2018.ticketforevent.com/

P.S. OWASP meetups are non-profit cyber-security events, with all ticket revenue spent on events organization and conducting following meetups.