ГоловнаКалендарSKILup Day: Open Source
SKILup Day: Open Source
1 рік назад
Конференция, Free
20 вересня

Like many things in life, open source is a trade off. Easy, quick and often low cost to use, developers love open source for timesaving while coding. IT Operations love it for the same reasons, but not everyone is as keen. Open source doesn’t mean free and sometimes licence models create unexpected costs. And then there’s the risk of security vulnerabilities and the potential hassle of finding someone to support you when something goes wrong.

But almost everybody loves the underlying philosophy of community powered invention, crowdsourced by creative, intelligent individuals who share passion and vision for their topics and the opportunity to learn from one another. Working collaboratively and sharing knowledge means that open source often does mean higher quality and accelerates development.

At this event, you’ll have a chance to meet leading Open Source experts and practitioners and hear them tell stories of how they’ve used Open Source successfully and where to watch for pitfalls.

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